Canine mediation to soothe patients in the oncology department

Patients in the oncology department can now benefit from canine mediation sessions with Lilly, the therapist’s dog. Canine mediation complements the range of supportive care services already in place (osteopathy, dance therapy, yoga, reflexology) in the oncology department of the Ambroise Paré-Hartmann Private Hospital Group.

Lilly has been trained to take part in hospital interventions. Lilly is able to recognise a colour, associate a picture with a word written in any script, etc. She can understand several languages: German, Spanish and French, which facilitates dialogue with the patient.

This support has many benefits:

  • Canine mediation helps to reduce stress and anxiety in patients and carers alike.
  • The presence of a dog improves communication and facilitates social interaction between patient and carer.
  • The animal also plays an emotional support role that can be beneficial depending on the care pathway, which can be more or less difficult.

I would like to thank all those involved in the project for this wonderful initiative: the 4 Pattes Tendresse association, Julia Gharbi, Dr Anne Scherrer, Katia Nobre and the medical oncology team.